ISSN: 2265-6294

D.E.B.A.T.E. (Debate Enables a Brain to Adapt Truth & Enlightening souls)

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Shikha Tiwari,Aditya Veer Gautam


Blow of words strikes deeper than the blow of a sword. If someone ever go through for argumentation, someone realizes that it is indubitably long winded and boring. But when someone perceives it as a game, all of a sudden someone has a fun activity that get the juices of the brain flowing. It could be said rush of adrenaline in one's body. The soul of debate does not reside in shouting or horrifying others but it lies in striking on someone's soul. The objective behind this is to make a debater must understand the way to represent one's idea without humiliating someone's dignity. Being truthful in a debate emboldens someone to certain one's victory over one's opponent. One can learn a lot from the debate that unveils a lot about life.

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