Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -14 | Issue -6
The rise of the Indo-Pacific, the confluence of two major oceans i.e., the Indian and the Pacific Oceans, as the epi-centre of various activities has intrigued the attention of many geo-political thinkers, scholars, practitioners, actors, and stakeholders. With various countries and international forums using the term ‘Indo-Pacific’ in their official statements, this term is gaining currency in recent times. Mapping the rise and significance of the Indo-Pacific as a geo-political construct will form the main thrust of the paper. This article will also attempt to explain various shifts in the centres of geopolitical activities starting from the Atlantic to Indo-Pacific with the changing time. The scenario from the middle to the current century will be taken into consideration. Major powers of the world are also interested in the Indo-Pacific which are not only overlapping but also contradicting. In this context, finally, this paper would try to explain how the interests of the major stakeholders make the region vulnerable to competition and cooperation. This paper is descriptive and explanatory in nature and observations are inferred from the phenomenon by reviewing the existing literatures.