ISSN: 2265-6294

Development Of Mobile Learning-Based Bilingual Training Materials with The Use of Book Creators for Sidi Catechization Teachers

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Maringan Sinambela,Grecetinovitria M. Butar-Butar,Tiffany Tamba,Rawatri Sitanggang,John Nathanael Situmorang


Information and communication technology (ICT) in the current era of globalization has become a fundamental need in supporting the effectiveness and quality of the educational process. ICT-based education is a means of interaction between management and education administration that can be utilized both by education and education personnel and students in improving the quality, productivity, effectiveness and access to formal and non-formal education. The purpose of this study is to find out how to develop mobile learning-based bilingual training materials with the use of book creators for sidi catechization teachers. This research was conducted at the Fellowship Protestant Church in North Tapanuli. Mobile Learning-Based Bilingual Training Material for Sidi Catechization Teachers developed in this study is Suitable for Use in teaching sidi catechization at the Fellowship Protestant Church in North Tapanuli with a qualification level of eligibility criteria of 85.58% with the caption "No Need to Revise." Researchers suggest that the Fellowship Protestant Church can plan and implement sidi catechization by utilizing Book Creator learning media.

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