ISSN: 2265-6294

Different Without Demeaning Each Other: A World-Exemplified Portrait of Religious Moderation in Indonesia

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Robinhot Sihombing,Sri Wahyunik,Kristyana,Herbin Simanjuntak,Muliani Zendrato


Various cases of intolerance are of common concern, regardless of the religion and culture inherent in each individual. Wrong education has the potential to lead to radical actions. This study aims to provide an overview of religious life that occurs in Indonesia by carrying out religious moderation as a means of living together in public spaces. Qualitative methods were used in this study, with in-depth interviews as the instrument. The results of research in the field show that most informants find it difficult and need more adjustment time to be able to understand that the public sphere becomes a warm place to accept various differences. All informants argued that internet access, with all its advances, had a profound influence on the way they viewed other religions. This means that the process of religious moderation is very optimal if it is carried out by utilizing gadgets and all forms of development.

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