ISSN: 2265-6294

Digital Divide: A Major Scupper to Online Learning

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Bhagyashree Das, Monika Gohain


The Covid-19 pandemic that strucked the entire globe has consequences which are still haunting us. Unlike every sector, the education sector was also taken aback with the sudden shift of teaching and learning towards the digital platform. When the educational institutions were forced to shut down, the online learning was the preferred option available. The developed countries faced less trouble in comparison to the developing countries, when the sudden transition took place. For a developing country like India, with pre-existing inequalities in education, poor infrastructure, inadequate resources, etc. it was quite challenging to carry on the teaching-learning procedure. The upshot of using digital platforms, during the institutional closures, only exacerbated the previous loopholes in education sector and one of them is the Digital Divide. The pandemic showed us that the Digital Divide, which has now been widened, is a major scupper to online learning. The dream of digital India will be successful only if the digital divide is minimized. So, this, article is a discussion on how covid induced learning environment escalated the major obstacle i.e. digital divide in the educational scenario of India.

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