ISSN: 2265-6294

Edward P Jones’s Style Of Geo-Tagging: An Approach to Analytical Narration

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Subhashree Ojha, Tanutrushna Panigrahi


The paper aims to analyse the two short stories books by Edward P. Jones. The paper involves the analysis of the special ability of the Edward P. Jones in the writing of the both short stories. In ‘Lost in The City’ and ‘All on Hagar’s Children’ Edward P. Jones have used unique style of the geo tagging in the Washington DC. The paper will talk about the importance of Jones’s meticulous attention to geographic details. Edward P. Jones compiles fourteen short stories in his fiction collection Lost in the City and ‘All on Hagar’s Children’. The paper aims at giving the analytical description of the unique style of the Edward pigeons in both short stories. The paper involves use of descriptive approach to the study. The research is analytical in nature and involves use of secondary data. The researcher has been critically analysing the literature of both short story books and discuss about it in the analysis section. The findings reveal that some of the sites are depicted in the stories because Jones drew on his personal memories of the location. His tales depict a DC of the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and early 1980s. While Jones tries to reinvigorate and recover this geography via his writing, much of it has been removed from the communities he writes about in the twenty-first century. This relocation, and even eradication, of landmarks in the Black communities and neighbourhoods in today's DC confirms this. Jones appropriates Chocolate City through the numerous cultural geo-tagging activities in his literature, similar to how Black artists currently tag the city with murals and street art.

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