Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Mathematics education is a domain of professional work that makes fundamental use of highly specialized kinds of mathematical knowledge or as a kind of applied Mathematics. The present study has aimed to compare Conceptual Understanding in Mathematics of classVIII students who were taught Mathematics through Integrating Inductive Method with Advanced Organizer Model and those taught through Conventional Method. The study has also aimed to find the difference in the concept achievements between the two groups. For the present study, all the Class-VIII students of two CBSE schools in Dibrugarh Town, Assam were selected using purposive sampling technique and only those students who attended all the classes and appeared in both pre-test and post-test were considered. To eliminate the initial variability of the students, intelligence of the students were measured through Standard Progressive Matrices prepared and standardized by Raven, J.C. (1950), where students were paired on the basis of their scores and on the basis of the ordered pair of students, one student from each pair had been put in Experimental group and the other student was put in the Control group. Lottery method had been used while selecting a student for either Experimental Group or Control Group from every pair of students. A Concept Achievement Test in Mathematics was constructed and standardized by the researcher to measure achievement of Conceptual Understanding in Mathematics of Class-VIII students. The researcher had chosen the Geometry part of Class-VIII Mathematics Textbook for Concept Achievement Test.