ISSN: 2265-6294

Effect of the deposit structure in Iraqi banks on bank credit in Iraq for the year (2017-2019(

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Batoul Zaki Latif Ali,Aysar Y . FAHAD


Bank deposits are one of the most important external sources of financing for the bank. Both domestic and foreign deposits constitute the main source of the commercial bank's funds. Cash bank deposits are also the main resource through which commercial banks can directly extend credit. Credit operations and granting loans are the basic operations carried out by banks to achieve profits. From the economic point of view, this credit results in the borrowing projects operating in the various sectors of economic activity obtaining amounts of cash or something equivalent to it, which facilitates exchanges. Commercial banks derive their importance from an economic point of view, as they are devices capable of accumulating excess capital with depositors. Then pay these accumulated funds to various investment fields in the form of loans to organizers and to various projects that need financing. Where these loans are called the term trade credit and bank facilities. Emphasizing that the volume of credit depends not only on the size of bank deposits, but also on the structure of deposits.

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