ISSN: 2265-6294

Enhancing WSN Energy Efficiency through a Novel Power Aware Hierarchical Cluster Based Routing (PAHCR) Protocol

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P. Ponsekar, M. Sengaliappan


According to its energy limitations, scaling is a fundamental design consideration inside the "Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)". Too many "Sensor Nodes" (SNs) in a WSN with a single layer of architecture might cause the gateway SN to become overloaded, leading to poor responsiveness and inaccurate event monitoring. Single-tier WSN designs that use a higher number of SNs to encompass a bigger region of activity are mostly not scalable. The WSN can be scaled without compromising on service with the help of certain routing algorithms that organize SNs into clusters. To improve WSN's energy efficiency, in this research we develop a new protocol called "Power Aware Hierarchical Cluster Based Routing (PAHCR)". Regarding large-scale WSNs, it functions as a self-organizing characteristic among SNs. Each cycle in the existing protocols uses more energy than necessary due to the "Cluster Head (CH)" choosing as well as the rerouting procedure. The proposed PAHCR protocol has the potential to minimize this energy depletion. Each cluster in a WSN is given a distinct identity by this protocol, and that identity serves as the transmission's "next hop". The CHs are also not picked at randomness but rather are chosen according to their "Residual Energy (RE)". The "Cluster Identity (CI)" is sent from the outgoing CH to the incoming CH at the start of each cycle. The proposed protocol minimizes energy usage as well as extends WSN's lifespan by performing both the cluster creation and routing phase simultaneously during network configuration. Considering performance metrics including "Energy Efficiency", "Packet Delivery Ratio", "Throughput", and "Routing Overhead" within WSN, we evaluate and compare the proposed PAHCR protocol's performance with that of the already-existing E-BEENISH and DOR protocols.

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