ISSN: 2265-6294

Entrepreneurial Leadership, Financial Governance, and Creative Industry in the City Of Bandung Indonesia

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Riswin Lubis,Mohammad Benny Alexandri,Tetty Herawaty,Pratami Wulan Tresna


The aims of this study are (1) what is Entrepreneurial Leadership? (2) What is Financial Governance? (3) How is the Creative Industry in the City of Bandung?. The method used is descriptive analysis. The results of the research findings are that the city of Bandung is also synonymous with culinary delights. When asked what comes to mind when they hear the city of Bandung, tourists often say that culinary is what they remember. The culinary city of Bandung is very varied, from traditional, Middle Eastern, and Chinese to European food. Fashion is also an "image" of business in the city of Bandung. At a glance, the city of Bandung is known as a fashion city, seen from the various types of fashion businesses, from malls, and factory outlets to modern markets and traditional markets. Craft arts, or Bandung City crafts, have become a mainstay for the City of Bandung. Crafts from the city of Bandung that is a source of income for other regions. The city of Bandung often "exports" crafts to other provinces, such as East Java, DKI Jakarta, and Bali.

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