ISSN: 2265-6294

Equilibrium Sedimentation in Sandy Gravel River Bend by Crib Placement Alternate

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Kuntjoro,Ridho Bayuaji,Muhammad Hafiizh Imaaduddiin


River equilibrium is needed to protect river buildings to avoid erosion or sedimentation that causes the building to fail to function. This study assessed the effectiveness of the river building of the crib in two different positions. This crib reduces scouring on the bend of the river at an angle with the condition of the arch of 95°, heightening the right side occur erosion on the outer side of the bend due to a strong current flow. The condition of level most severe erosion is the bottom of the river on the right side at an angle of 80°. To anticipate erosion, constructed a crib in the river arch with two alternative crib placements. Two alternative cribs constructed at two different relative angles were used to compare the effectiveness of both crib models. Based on the methods of Meyer Peter Muller's empirical formula, analysis of sedimentation in the upstream crib concluded: to scatter sediment is relatively similar by comparing the condition of both alternative positions. With both cribs' layouts, sediment moved on the distribution and concentrated on the left side of the river. Both alternative position cribs show that the position crib on an axis radian is more effective for sediment control than the position crib makes 45° angle due to the radian axis.

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