Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -14 | Issue -6
The article considers the issues of essence and definition of Kazakhstani legal policy, which are still unexplored in sociological and political literature. The article discusses new approaches, assessments and solutions of the socio-political problems of the essence and the definition of the legal policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.The article notes that the most significant theoretical issue regarding the socio-political study of the essence and determination of the legal policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan include: understanding of politics as a generic basis for the formation of Kazakhstan's legal policy; identification of the functioning of Ka-zakhstani law as the most important condition and the essential basis for the formation of a scientifically sound legal policy of the country, the study of the mechanism of interaction be-tween politics and law, their mutual penetration into each other and under a new buzz of vision, the identification of the political content of law and the legal content of politics in Kazakhstan; scientific analysis of the role of legal policy of Kazakhstan in the formation and development of the rule-of-law state and civil society in the country; ensuring the rights and freedoms of Kazakhstanis, strengthening their guarantees as a factor in social and political stability and the unifying role of all layers of Kazakhstani society. Kazakhstan legal policy is an activity based on the unity of politics and law, conceptually formulated political and legal ideas of a strategic and tactical nature, that is, such doctrines that determine the direction of development of the country, strengthen legality and order, the formation of a rule-of-law state and high legal cul-ture of society and the individual. At the same time, the article focuses on discussion issues.