ISSN: 2265-6294

Ethical Hacking and its Necessity in the Society

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Gulfraz Naqvi,Hamdan Sultan


Hacking mostly known as a way to steal one’s privacy and confidential information for some benefit, a breach in the system causes this type of immense damage. But hacking with good intentions and benefits to someone is known as ethical hacking. Ethical hacking is a method to find vulnerabilities in one’s system or network. Ethical hackers are individuals who use proper standards to find these vulnerabilities in a legit way. Most people considered hacking as a bad, unethical practice and refer to most as criminals, because most individuals have disrupted organizations and stole confidential information, money and other important files concerning that organization. Due to this reason many organizations and even the government decide to recruit the ethical hackers to discover the vulnerabilities in their system and network. There is one another face of the coin which tells that without hackers the vulnerabilities and holes of software would remain undiscovered. In this research paper I have tried to explain the benefits of this type of hacking, how it has impacted our today’s society and what can be considered an ethical and unethical hacker. In this research paper I have attempted to find the problem that currently affect this field where security and vulnerability are most concerned. And how this form is hacking is affecting our modern-day society

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