ISSN: 2265-6294

Evaluation of the Impact of Inflation on the Consumption Expenditure of Households

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Prapti Chopra, Satya Kishan Verma


The effects of inflation are equally pervasive. The impact of inflation will fluctuate among various social groups, though, as not everyone purchases the same assortment of goods or in the same quantities. This emphasizes the necessity to investigate how inflation has affected the sample households' consumption patterns, which is undertaken in this study. Methods The present study consists of total sample size of 700 respondents as the study population. The collected data were analyzed with proper statistical methods. Results Along with buying food, households must spend a large portion of their monthly money on other things that fall under the category of non-food products. Depending on the necessity of the impact of inflation on the consumption pattern as measured by actual consumption expenditure incurred on various groups of commodities in the prior year and current year, the expenditure they incur on these items increases as a result of inflation to varying degrees.

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