ISSN: 2265-6294

Factors and equity control in governmental institutions

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Miguel Melgarejo Quijandria,Paula Eliana Izquierdo Paucar,Hilda Quispe Cardenas,Doris Zevallos Echevarria,Adolfo William Lavalle Gonzales,Roque Juan Espinoza Casco,Rafael Romero-Carazas Universidad Peruana Unión – Lima - P


So far this year, 98% of the papers presented in the National Register of Research Papers - RENATI of Peru, and which investigated the issue of patrimonial control, following Directive No. 0006-2021-EF/54.01 of the General Directorate of Supply, are quantitative in approach, which shows a lack of qualitative contributions on the problem of patrimonial control, from the perspective of its protagonists, so that this social event can be explained and understood. In this context, the present study seeks to explore the social phenomenon of patrimonial control within governmental institutions through a qualitative approach of phenomenological-hermeneutic design by interviewing 12 people in charge of the patrimonial control area of 12 different public sector institutions. The study provides information on the reality faced by those who work in asset control offices, providing the basis for establishing corrective measures and formulating guidelines to promote their order and sophistication.

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