ISSN: 2265-6294

Factors Influencing Women Reproductive Span in International Border State Manipur

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N. Sharat Singh, O. Biren Singh


The reproductive span defined to be ‘time interval between first marriage and menopause or sterilization’ and also varying with birth stopping types and socio-demographic variables. The present study aims to explore the causal factors of the variation in women’s reproductive span in Manipur, the easternmost Indian state internationally bordering with Myanmar. Methods: Under cluster sampling scheme, a cross sectional as well as community base study was conducted during November 2017 to October 2018. It included 1295 currently married women of age 35-55 years experiencing at least one live birth. Having the stopping event, only 395 illegible women gave the reproductive span of 24 years consisting of longest period of 28 years due to natural menopause followed by 16 years with hysterectomy and 12 years by sterilization. The duration is significantly influenced by age at marriage (P<0.01), desire number of son (P<0.01), former place of residence (P<0.05), educational level (P<0.01) and family income (P<0.05) in the population. The findings may the baseline information of the pattern of women reproductive span not only in Manipur but in Indian North Eastern Region.

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