ISSN: 2265-6294

Flowrate Simulator with Variation of Input Voltage Based on Web Interface for Virtual Laboratory

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Safira Firdaus Mujiyanti,Ahmad Fauzan Adziimaa ,Nanda Eko Cahyo Saputra,Fadhil Nur Ahmadi,Sada Annisa Fadia,Tiffany Rachmania Darmawan


Covid-19 requires students to conduct teaching and learning activities online or online. To help ITS instrumentation engineering students can carry out practicum activities online. Dimmer components are used to provide variations in the input voltage on the pump, so that the rotation speed of the pump can change according to the input voltage received. There are 2 flowrate sensors used to determine the flow speed produced by the pump and rotameter components used as flowrate sensor calibrators. The results of both flowrate sensors will be compared to the level of measurement accuracy. In the tool there is also a current and voltage sensor that is used to determine the input current and voltage output from the pump. Based on the tool testing that has been carried out, the pump on the tool can rotate at least receiving a current of 0.38 mA and a voltage of 154.89 V. At 80% dimmer rotation, the resulting voltage and current values have reached a maximum of 0.51 mA and 220, 3 V. The value of the current, voltage, and flowrate sensors is directly proportional to the amount of rotation of the dimmer that is set. The greater the rotation of the dimmer, the greater the value of all sensors and vice versa. In addition, the accuracy value of the YF-S201 sensor is 95.01%, YF-B1 = 97.36%, ZMPT101b = 77.08% and the ACS712 sensor is 75.09%. The flowrate sensor type YF-B1 has a higher accuracy value when compared to the flowrate sensor type YF-S201.

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