ISSN: 2265-6294

Foreign Investment Strategies, Performance and Risk Management in Emerging Economy

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Sharma Khemraj, Dr. Hsinkuang Chi,Dr. Wann Yih Wu,Dr. Phramaha Chakrapol Acharashubho Thepa


FDI, or foreign direct investment, is widely regarded as a means by which developing economies can grow and prosper. Case studies investigate and clarify the emergence of entry modes, resource transfers, ownership, and control in a company's early years of operation. Cross-country acquisitions are a significant aspect of FDI globally, and they are rising as a percentage of inbound FDI in developing countries. Developed nations can promote OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, facilitate access to international markets and technology, use ODA to leverage public/private investment projects, and disseminate the organization's peer review-based approach to building investment capacity to guarantee policy coherence for development.

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