ISSN: 2265-6294

From The Literary to The Performative :( Re) Visiting Adigal’s Silappadikaram

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An adaptation of a work or tale occurs when that work or story is transferred into a feature film, whether in the same tongue as the original or in a different language. Academic researchers like Robert Stam have conceived of the process of adapting a book to film as a dialogic one. Ilango Adigal was the one who adapted and wrote the narrative of Silappadikaram, which had previously only been told orally. The tale of Silappadikaram was first told as an oral tale. There has been a great deal of research carried out on the significance of movie version in contemporary literature, and a number of authors have contributed to the discussion of this topic; however, there has been no research carried out on the movie adaptation of a novel Silappadikaram written by Ilango Adigal. It is possible to accomplish this by designing and creating each of the following six technical elements: accessories, sound effects/music, setting, costumes, makeup, & lighting. The focus of this study is on the film adaptation of an epic Silappadikaram, including its similarities, consequences, differences, as well as visual elements such as lighting, framing, composition, camera motion, camera angles, movie selection, and lens choices, depth-of- field, zoom, focus, color, exposure, and filtration. The patriotic drive in Tamil that is found in The Silappadikaram is based on a selective reading and an appropriation of a ancient epic. It selects rhetorical and ideological topics from the epic at random and brackets some of them, but it ignores the majority of the epic's characteristics, which are what make it such a complete masterpiece.

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