ISSN: 2265-6294

Grid Independent and Battery less Solar Photovoltaic Power Converter

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Posannapeta Y Ganga Ram


Today the renewable energy is playing a key role in the world. In that the solar energy one of the important sources. The majority of the countries utilizing the solar energy. To consume the solar energy in to our daily life, the solar power converters are taking vital role; the present available converters are two types they are, 1) Solar grid-tie/ grid-connected converters and 2) Solar battery backup converters For grid-tied converters the grid supply is compulsory as a primary supply along with PV-array, and for battery backup converters battery supply compulsory as a primary supply along with PV array. It is observed that the above converters will not work without primary supplies even the PV source available. So it is not possible to utilize the solar energy without primary supplies with existing converters. To conquer this issue, the new innovative converter planed as a “Grid Independent and Battery-less Solar PV Power Converter” to utilize the solar energy directly via this new converter concept without any primary supply.

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