ISSN: 2265-6294

Growing Trend Of Mobile Marketing In The Sustainable Development Of Global Business

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Padmasri Mishra, D. Muniswamy, R. Ragu Prasadh, Kirti Sharma, Punamkumar Hinge, Irfan Abdul Karim Shaikh


Unlike conventional marketing, mobile devices are always accessible. Mobile phones are used more than computers for numerous reasons. Marketers have a huge potential to engage with customers anytime, anyplace due to 24/7 network and internet connection. Mobile marketing began with SMS and email and proceeded to Search Engine Marketing, website & blog-based content marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, and in-game marketing efforts. Marketers may use numerous mobile channels to target certain audience groups based on consumer comfort and marketing strategy. Modern mobile marketing efforts include mobile-optimized websites and customized emails. This chapter discusses mobile marketing's importance in organizations’ marketing strategy and mobile marketing difficulties.

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