ISSN: 2265-6294

Health Professional Stress, Self-Efficiency, and Social Family Support Towards Burnout with Resilience as Moderator and Mediator in Health Workers Handling Covid-19 In Karawang

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Cempaka Putrie Dimala,Ahmad Zubaedi,Rilla Sovitriana,Arif Rahman Hakim,Linda Mora


This research is motivated by the inconsistency of the results of previous studies regarding the factorsthat influence burnout. Skirrow & Hatton (2017), Attri & Devi (2017),and Liu & Aungsuroch (2019) found that health professional stress, self-efficacy, and familysocial support had an effect on burnout. However, research by Jenkins & Elliot (2014), Alireza, Saeed, & Sholeh (2019), Ghazali et al., (2018) and Greenglass, Burke, & Konarski(2017) found that it had no significant effect on burnout. Researchers suspect that further research is needed to be able to provide clarity on several variables that affect burnout. Researchers make resilience as a mediator variable and also a moderatorto be able to providea consistent influence. The purpose of this study was to examine the theoretical model of resilience as a moderator of health professional stress, and a mediator ofself-efficacy, familysocial support on burnout. The research model that the researcher uses is a structural modelwith a total of 367 respondents, which were taken by purposive sampling technique.

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