ISSN: 2265-6294

How Perceived Trust Mediates Indonesian Lenders' Intention to Use P2P Lending Platform

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Minsani Mariani,Angelina,Elizabeth Kurniadi,Gianne Gladisca Hendityasari


In 2020, P2P lending dominated 50% of the financial technology industry in Indonesia. The fast growth and development of the P2P lending industry is believed to be driven by the need of borrowing from the unbankable population and the ease of requirements when compared to traditional financial institutions. But when compared to penetration of Internet users and Fintech users, the penetration of lenders in P2P lending platforms is still considered low whereas Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) recorded the adoption for lenders accounts was valued below 1% in 2020 which is highly believed to influenced by the risks considerations of the industry and the negative publications that impact public trust towards P2P.

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