ISSN: 2265-6294

Identification of Students with Learning Difficulties to Count (Dyscalculia) With the Media of the Smart Counting Board at Sdn Jatiraga 1 Jatitujuh District, Majalengka Regency

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Emay Mastiani,Nindiah Nurlaela F.F,Syifa Hanif F,Nuhanawati,Rina Nuraida


This study aims to identify specific learning difficulties (dyscalculia) experienced by students at SDN Jatiraga 1 Jatitujuh District, Majalengka Regency, the purpose of identification is to make it easier to provide educational services for these students. The method used in this study is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Related to data collection through observation, interviews, documentation studies. Data analysis starts from data reduction, data display as well as conclusions and verification. The results of the study obtained that the factors that cause students to have difficulty learning to count (dyscalculia) come from students and outside students. After identifying the difficulties of learning to count (dyscalculia), students experience difficulties in solving the addition, subtraction, and multiplication problems given by the teacher. The actions taken by the teacher provide assistance so that students can understand or solve the questions given. Recommendations are given to class teachers to conduct assessments before compiling learning programs so that the programs provided are in accordance with the learning needs of students.

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