ISSN: 2265-6294

Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorders In Jordan An Overview Of The LiteratureNBlogs of Сivil Servants of the Republic of Tatarstan in Social

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Muna Abualhoul,Abdallah Amayreh


ASD is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by persistent impairments in social communication interactions (SCI) and restricted and repetitive behaviors or interests (RRBI), with a continuous prevalence rise globally. The Arab Nations consists of 22 member nations with numerous articles published on ASD. Jordan is one of the most notable Arab countries in the research field of ASD. This review aimed to locate and combine all Jordanian articles published on ASD in Jordan in the last five years and analyze them to shed light on the limitations and challenges of ASD research in Arab nations. Researchers in Jordan have published 17 articles in the last five years involving a total Jordanian sample of 2115 individuals, investigating various issues such as knowledge, etiology, therapy, and diagnosis tools. Consequence recommendations from this review suggest that Arabic scholars must collaborate to bridge the gap in research, particularly on the diagnosis of ASD, screening, prevalence, awareness, early detection, early intervention, and treatment. They recommend that centers follow the scientific-based guidelines to diagnose and manage the quality of service for ASD, increase their capacity to accept more children in their programs, and highlight the inclusion of ASD in educational streams.

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