ISSN: 2265-6294

Integration of Muslim Professional Religious Financial Planning Through Islamic Financial Institutions in Indonesia

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Darwis Harahap,Sugianto,Yusrizal,Siska Yuli Anita


The financial planning behavior of Indonesian Muslim professional religiosity is still low unlike other types of financial planning, such as investment planning and family finances which have become a necessity. Even if integrated through Islamic financial institutions, it is still limited to worship which in technical implementation is required through financial institutions such as hajj and zakat. The purpose of this study is to analyze first, the making of religiosity financial planning among Indonesian Muslim professionals; second, the integration of religiosity financial planning among Muslim professionals through Islamic financial institutions in Indonesia. To answer the formulation of the problem above, this study uses theory of planned behavior. The research method uses a qualitative approach with phenomenological methods. The results showed first, in general, Muslim professional respondents had a fairly good general understanding of religious financial activities. Second, the behavior of making financial planning of religious activities is driven by intentions, subjective norms and behavioral control perceived in Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behaviour. Third, their religious financial planning has been integrated with LKS, although not all aspects and utilization of LKS have not been optimal.

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