ISSN: 2265-6294

Interconnective Narrative in David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas

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Waleed Khalid Rzayyig.Marwan Khaleel Yousif,Mohanad Hazim Hakkoosh


David Mithcell’s Cloud Atlas is one of the most important novels that deals with the break from traditional narrative structure. It uses a literary technique called Embedding. This paper examines the narrative complexities and thematic depths in the novel while also explaining how embedding changes the way reading a text transformers its meaning. There are six interconnected stories in cloud Atlas spanning centuries but connected by themes, motifs, and most importantly by in-universe intertextuality, rather than being a collection of short stories, the six stories in the novel are nested within one another. The relationship between them can be understood by understanding the competing structures and clashes of fact-fiction continuity. Mitchell involves the creation of history and human identity in storytelling. The novel is essentially about the interconnectivity of human existence across time and space. The novel is ingenious in its structure, profound with its ideas, and its language is masterful. The purpose of this paper is to explore these narrative hierarchies Mitchell creates

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