ISSN: 2265-6294

Intercultural Communication Case Study: Key Issues at International Companies in the Intercultural Aspect

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Leisan Musina,Jamila Mustafina


It is always a problem for all types of companies anywhere in the world to successfully adapt and succeed in the world of globalization, where time and all processes pass at an accelerated rate. The main goal of international companies is to remain competitive, increase market share, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. Joint ventures are forced to cope not only with financial load, but also with the problem of communication within the enterprise, since interaction occurs between representatives of different cultures. To achieve a high result, they need employees who will be ready to adapt to unfamiliar rules, intercultural differences, and language barriers. Culture and language are one of the most significant factors influencing joint business with foreign partners. In this article, we consider the key points of intercultural competence, the role of culture and language in intercultural dialogue, and analyze interviews with managers of enterprises running joint businesses with foreign partners. Based on the interview results, we have identified the main factors causing communication failure in the intercultural aspect and presented some recommendations.

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