ISSN: 2265-6294

Language wording of the press address and its role in soliciting the recipient from the contact person's point of view is a study of a sample of editorial directors of a number of Arabic newspapers

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Jalela Abdulah Kalaf


The importance of the study is the role that the linguistic wording of press addresses plays in the recipient's solicitation; The wording of the headings is no longer a mere characterization of a particular event or the reflection of a situation It has become an industry with its own rules and features of its own linguistic methods. and ways to convince the recipient of the importance of the news, and in this context the study aims to highlight the role of linguistic wording in attracting the public from the editorial directors' point of view as communicators This is based on the analytical description approach by viewing some press addresses in the Iraqi and Egyptian press, Use of the intentional sample to conduct field study on editors in newspapers (Iraqi morning and time, Egypt today and Egypt's seventh day) numbered 24. The study examined the definition of the concept of press address, the characteristics of a good press address, the types of press address, and the role of linguistic wording in soliciting the recipient's audience .

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