ISSN: 2265-6294

Laws and the Premature Impact of Election Campaign Towards Chaos in Cyberspace in the Millennial Generation

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Wagianto, Irma Rachmawati Maruf, Tamaulina Br Sembiring, Marjan Miharja, Endang Fatmawati


This paper explains the sociological approach of law in explaining and understanding the conflicts that occur in cyberspace. The virtual world has become an important part of people's lives, especially the millennial generation. The virtual world is an electronic medium that is used for oneway and two-way communication over long distances. It can be concluded that social media is also a virtual world. The use of social media on a large scale can be utilized for various interests including interests in politics. In this era of technology, all political activities, especially general elections, use social media as a place to campaign. Election campaigns through social media are considered more effective and efficient because all information can be disseminated instantly. However, the implementation of the election campaign can cause various negative impacts such as various chaos caused by differences of opinion. Freedom of expression on social media is often misunderstood by the public, causing the spread of hoaxes or fake news, hate speech, black campaigns, and cyberbullying. Chaos in cyberspace during the implementation of the election campaign can be reduced by enforcing the applicable law in accordance with the violations committed. The purpose of this research is to provide an overview of the law and the premature impact of election campaigns on chaos in cyberspace in the millennial generation. The results of this study indicate that chaos in cyberspace during election campaigns can be in the form of spreading hoaxes or fake news, hate speech, black campaigns, and cyberbullying.

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