ISSN: 2265-6294

Leadership from an Islamic perspective and its difference from the Western perspective and its impact on employee performance

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Munadhil Cheni Alal


The Islamic leadership is a lofty message to serve the nation and its sons, and it is not a search for prestige, positions, or worldly and temporary interests. The clarification of the issue of leadership and its great impact on the efficiency of the performance of workers, and it is possible to follow the Islamic model in leadership and management for those who stand up to leadership. In addition to that, we must differentiate between those who Islam is raised as a slogan only, and between those who implement Islam as a slogan and methodology is “knowledge and action ”.As for the objectives of the study, the study aimed to evaluate the leadership practice of administrative thought in the light of Islamic standards and to promote Islamic moral values in action and words and not just a slogan .Finally, the study concluded with several conclusions, the most important of which was the necessity of viewing the biography of Islamic leaders and studying their lives and their history, especially the outstanding leadership personality that contained all successful leadership qualities, the personality of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, which is an extension of the personality of the Messenger, may God bless him and his family in his behavior, morals, and commitment to Islamic law. And that the concept of leadership seeks to create high performance and exploit the organization's internal strengths towards providing benefits of superior value to its customers .

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