ISSN: 2265-6294

Linguistic verbalization of the relationship between parents and children in Arabic, Russian and English paroemia

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Almira Kadyrovna Garayeva,Timur Akzamovich Shaikhullin,Ildar Gabdrashitovich Akhmetzyanov,Narkiz Kamilevich Mullagaliev


The relevance of this research is closely bound with the general tendency of interdisciplinary approach in the attempt to reveal the human factor in the language, as the most valuable results of the research are found in comparison of the languages in general and differently structured languages in particular. The purpose of the article is to reveal some basic similarities and differences of the paroemia, which reflect family relations of the nation, in the Arabic, Russian and English languages. Folk sayings, like proverbs and sayings, being a particular genre of linguistics, are an excellent tool for the comparative analysis of differently structured languages to find commonalities among the people of various nations, as well as the differences in the mentality. The material of this paper can be recommended for use in modern practice of higher institutions, as well as in the system of language training to hold seminars and practical classes in the country study.

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