ISSN: 2265-6294

Maharani Laxmi Bai of Jhansi, a Story of Women Regent: India’s Precedent Worldwide in Legendary Role of Woman in Politics and Administration

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Nabamita Barman


India failed to throw the British rule in spite of dreadfully blood-spattered Uprising in the year 1857. But India got some positive impact as well. Emergence of nationalism, establishment of modern communication and transportation, a definite map or political border, enlightenment of western education and thereby renaissance and social as well as religious reforms, these are the foremost positivity of the British rule which are commonly known. But the British rule extended its impact in fostering the re-entrance of women in public sphere including politics too. Politics in the then India was mainly the activities centers around the freedom struggle. The nature of participation in freedom struggle by women, not only as mere participant but also as leader of various movements and the nature of habitual obedience of the people towards women leadership, placed Indian women to such a status which world never perceived before. The period from 1857 to 1947 perceived the birth of women social activists, reformers, participants of freedom struggle (both active and passive), women warriors, women regents, from every corner of our country. In this paper the researcher is going to uphold the history of leadership of a woman regent which is not only glorious in nature but also unique in world’s history. Not only India but also the world rarely has produced such exceptional woman leader. The paper also presents the yardstick of true leadership and conception of political status, and after an analytical study of the facts of that woman’s leadership, upholds how India was in precedent position in the world in respect of women’s political status during the colonial period.

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