ISSN: 2265-6294

Managing Learning Experience in Introduction to Computer Network Device Using Virtual Reality: Study Case Network Laboratory

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Maman Suryaman, Lila Setiyani, Rahmat Gunawan, Dian Budhi Santoso, Risma Fitriani, Nurul Ikhsan


Generations Z and A have extensively used virtual reality (VR), particularly in gaming and entertainment. The creation of knowledge from the experience of utilizing VR is encouraged by this use. This encourages academics to carry out virtual reality-based learning experiments. This study tries to pinpoint the elements that affect the learning process when using VR media. This study technique employs experiments by putting students through "Introduction to Network Devices" lessons utilizing virtual reality media in the network lab. This research stage starts with the creation of the Virtual Laboratory Network application. After that, a trial is conducted, beginning with a pre-test on knowledge of network devices; then, students explore network devices by logging into the virtual laboratory network using the Oculus Quest 2 tool, followed by a final test on knowledge of network devices.

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