ISSN: 2265-6294

Measurement in the printed explanations of the book Irshad AlHadi in Grammar by Al- Taftazani (d. 791 AH (

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Wafaa Jassem Jaber, Majid Khairallah Al- Zamili


Praise is to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Master of the Prophets and Messengers, the Prophet of Mercy, Muhammad (peace be upon him) and upon his good and pure family... As for what follows .The analogy is one of the syntactical industry guides on which the grammarians relied in formulating the rulings and rules. Measurement that does not follow it, and they stood and rejected issues that contradict measurement .And the subject of my research is to deal with the analogy with the three commentators and to clarify the issues in which they relied on the analog

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