ISSN: 2265-6294

Microfinance and Women Empowerment: An Analytical Evaluation of Bilaspur Division of Chhattisgarh

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Abhinav Awasthi,Dr Umesh Gupta


"Empowerment means to give someone the power or authority to act," says Crowther. Women's empowerment refers to their whole development, which includes their socioeconomic, political, and physical growth. There can be no sustained human growth if women are not fully and equally included. Microcredit is the growth of extremely small loans that are not deemed bankable to entrepreneurs and other people in poverty. SHG is a type of nonprofit organisation. Every lady is welcome to join as a member. Residents of the specific area should be SHG members. The members must also be older than 18 at the same time. They ought to show up on time for the meetings. An effort has been made in this chapter to examine the socioeconomic circumstances of the SHG members.

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