ISSN: 2265-6294

Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles: A study of Their Effect on Students’ Achievement

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Abdulghani Al-Hattami


This study is guided mainly by Gardner's work on Multiple Intelligences theory that there are at least nine possible intelligences: linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic intelligence, and existentialist intelligence, and the learning style type (auditory, visual, read/write, kinesthetic) by Neil Fleming in 1987. These approaches emphasize the fair measurement of intelligence, allowing students to use intelligently mediated materials to solve problems or create products that explore the core components of a particular intelligence. The study consists of all students of the 10th , 11th, and 12th grades of a public secondary school (n = 746). The results show that for multiple intelligences, Intrapersonal Intelligence obtained the highest mean followed by Kinesthetic Intelligence, then the Naturalistic Intelligence. Using the VARK Scale, the study concluded, amongst others, that that the most prevailing types of multiple intelligences among high school students are the Intrapersonal followed by Kinesthetic Intelligence, then the Naturalistic Intelligence, while the Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence obtained the lowest mean. The study concludes with pertinent recommendations that are likely to be of value to educators, planners, and policy makers in the field of education.

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