ISSN: 2265-6294

Myanmar Military Coup: Roots of Conflict and Alternative to Conflict Resolution from Indonesia as a Member of Asean

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Pujo Widodo,Iswati,Nour Zatullah,Anindita Nur Hidayah,Khairul Umam Manik,Andi M. Ilham Rusali Masdar,M. Dadang Wardhana Mas Bakar,Achmed Sukendro


In recent months, international attention has been focused on Myanmar political conflict when the military junta staged a coup against the civilian government. Indonesia, whose voices are heard enough in ASEAN, should try to maintain stability in the region. Using qualitative descriptive method, we analyze the roots of this conflict and the alternative resolutions that Indonesia can carry out, with Conflict Triangle, Onion Analogy, and Back- Channel Diplomacy Theory as tools to analyze. It shows that the roots of conflict are the increasing influence of the NLD, the military perception that they are the only party who can lead Myanmar, and the desire of military officials in Myanmar to protect their economic interests. The back-channel diplomacy method has allow probability of success because the strength of the Myanmar military junta does not allow for intervention in any form. As one of the countries that has a great influence in Southeast Asia, Indonesia can increase the attention of regional and global countries to address the political crisis in Myanmar. Indonesia can also take the initiative to appoint a special envoy in order to bridge the interests of the conflicting parties.

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