ISSN: 2265-6294

Parenting Class as a Development of a Collaborative Model in Physical Education

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Slamet Santoso, Tandiyo Rahayu,Tjetjep Rohendi Rohidi,Mugiyo Hartono,Bangkit Seandi Taroreh,Joko Sulistyono


Parents' ability to educate and care for children varies due to differences in social, cultural, and educational backgrounds. Thus, there should be a program to educate them. This study aims to produce a parenting class product that can be used as a model of collaboration among parents, teachers, and the physical education community; it can help parents create a conducive learning environment at home (communicative, safe, comfortable, and fun). This research and development (R&D) were carried out for 2 years from 2017 to 2019 with 196 research subjects consisting of 166 parents, 18 teachers, and 12 educational communities from 6 elementary schools in rural and urban areas in Magelang, Indonesia. It employs questionnaires, documentation, and interviews to collect the data. The results showed that the implementation of parenting class program can contribute a positive impact on all parents and children. The parenting class program as a collaborative model can improve the role of parents, character building, health, fitness, and convalescence their children's physical education learning outcomes from cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects.

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