ISSN: 2265-6294

Pedagogical Conditions for the Use of Game Applications in English Lessons

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Ramil Ravilovich Khayrutdinov,Flera Gabdulbarovna Mukhametzyanova,Il'dar Masgudovich Yusupov,Liliya Mikhailovna Litvina,Kamilla Igorevna Stepanova,Rezida Ilgizovna Khoraskina


Students at the beginning of learning English have a great desire to study it, but due to a number of different reasons, this subject loses its attractiveness for them, lagging students consider it one of the most difficult, and, therefore, unloved. The choice and nature of the use of a particular method, means, or method of teaching depends on whether the educational activity in English lessons for children will be joyful and interesting or burdensome.The use of games in teaching English is an appropriate and effective technique, helps to create a game situation that reflects reality, develop a strategy for mastering new knowledge, offer motivation when learning English – a necessity that does not deny traditional approaches, but serves as an excellent complement to them.

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