ISSN: 2265-6294

Perceptions about Digital Communication at Ebe

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Charo Mimi Cervantes Rosas, Marlon Joel Silva Huamán


Education assumes a great challenge, for which teachers are looking for resources that allow them to achieve pedagogical work. Hence, the application of digital communication emerges as the easiest and most accessible alternative for this purpose. This study aims to collect the different perceptions of the educational actors in the special basic education (EBE) modality. The work is of qualitative approach, under the grounded theory design, in which the interview was applied to 20 participants among teachers, therapists and parents of the EBE. As a result, the following categories were identified: Educational resources, characteristics and perceptions of Digital Communication; an analysis of the experiences was made in which it was concluded that the application of digital communication as an educational resource had provided multiple benefits, the characteristics of the functions it presents, makes communication and interaction between teachers, therapists and parents more fluid, allowing the sharing of documents, tutorials, videos, photos, among other features. The perceptions of the educational community regarding its use have proven to be positive, being the accessibility and ease of use a determining factor, the negative aspects in the experience of using the application have been given more by the lack of knowledge in its configuration and connectivity in remote places of the city

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