ISSN: 2265-6294

Phenomenology of borrowing in modern linguistic research

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Anastasia Vladimirovna Ageeva,Irina Yakovlevna Vergasova,Guzel Mnirovna Baramykova,Natalia Viktorovna Gabdreeva


This article is devoted to the study of the problem of borrowing and the activation of foreign language vocabulary in the national language. As the clear markers of linguistic contacts, foreign language elements of various etymologies function in the language in a wide variety of capacities. The article examines the main concepts of Russian and Foreign scientists, who had explained the process of borrowing of foreign language vocabulary. The role of linguistic and extralinguistic factors contributing to the activation and consolidation of borrowings to the national language is also specified in this article. A critical analysis of the main approaches towards the determiniation of the nature of borrowing is carried out.

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