ISSN: 2265-6294

Poems from the Periphery: Incorporating the Marginalised into Mainstream

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Ajmol Hussain Laskar,Sahanur Zakaria Barbhuiya


The complexity of India's geopolitical situation has been reduced to simple dichotomies like India versus China or Pakistan versus India. When it comes to geopolitics involving India, China, and Pakistan, the possibility of other factors and perspectives has been largely ignored or silenced. The public opinion of Arunachal Pradesh and Kashmir has been assumed to be in line with that of so-called mainland India in the ongoing border dispute between the two states. By branding them separatists, militants, and terrorists, the dissenting voices in both Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh have been either silenced or shunned. By ignoring the variety of opinions on both sides, it has become easier to promote the simplified narrative that frames public opinion as being either pro-India or pro-China and Pakistan. An examination of the literature from these regions reveals a public opinion that is diametrically opposed to the one propagated by the country's dominant media.

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