ISSN: 2265-6294

Political Commentary on Oppression in Selected Poems

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Amporn Sa-ngiamwibool


Some notable poets throughout history have attempted to inspire change by using their craft to criticize the world at large and bring attention to the unfair features of society. This content analysis examined eight poems to verify this. The selected poems include Oodgeroo Noonuccal’s “Aboriginal Charter of Rights,” Seamus Heaney’s “The Act of Union,” David Diop’s “Africa My Africa,” “Alabama Centennial,” “First Day After the War” by Mazisi Kunene, Naomi Long’ “Anthem for Doomed Youth” Wilfred Owen, Isobel Thrilling’s “Children in Wartime,” and Wilfred Owen’s “Arms and the Boy.” The assumption was supported by the results of content analysis

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