ISSN: 2265-6294

Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Tourism Development Strategy Model in the Lake Toba Region

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Indra Siregar,Rahmat Widia Sembiring,Sulaiman Ahmad


This research aims to find strategies for developing tourism, especially in 7 regencies around Lake Toba after the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses the theory of the basic components of tourism which consist of tourist objects and attractions, accommodation, tourist transportation, tourist facilities and infrastructure, and tourism infrastructure (promotion, marketing and policies). This study uses IFAS EFAS analysis and SWOT analysis in analyzing existing internal factors and external factors. Researchers used data collection techniques in the form of interviews, documentation and observation. The results of the study indicate that a strategy that can be implemented for tourism development in the Lake Toba Region is a growth strategy. The study through SWOT analysis shows the right strategy to advance tourism in the Lake Toba area after the Covid-19 pandemic, taking into account internal and external environmental conditions.

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