Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
This research study on product development and creating community identity tourism program of Khuan Kreng Swamp Community, Cha-uat District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, the purposes were 1.) to develop products and create community identity tourism program 2.) to create community-based tourism route and link to tourism network 3.) to promote community-based tourism market and link to domestic tourism network. This research is mixed methods research that used both qualitative research and quantitative research. The results showed that Khuan Kreng Swamp Community has identities as follows: Product identity; almost all households in Khuan Kreng Swamp Community do occupation of Krajood handicraft until becoming "Krajood Handicraft Village", Community identity; Khuan Kreng Swamp Community has interesting local identity that can attract tourists in the pattern of community handicraft tourism (peopleforest-buffalo-lotus), Tourism program; can be brought community identity and lifestyle of people in Khuan Kreng Swamp Community to create 6 tourism programs, Tourism route; Khuan Kreng Swamp Community is a community with unique identity and has strength that is a community charm, which can be used to create 2 tourism routes. Route 1, “people-peat swamp forest-buffalo-lotus” are charm from cruise in peat swamp forest within area of Songkhla Lake. This cruise route is learning about community life on doing occupation amongst peat swamp forest where is sources of food. Route 2, learning route regarding "Wicker Handicraft Village", Community-based tourism market and link to domestic tourism market; from analysis, besides community-based tourism market also have knowledge of marketing, tour guide, public relations and continuous marketing which have mean of 2.17, was at low level and tourism network linking is at high level because received supporting or has linked tourism routes to private agencies which have mean of 3.43, at moderate level.