ISSN: 2265-6294

Public Policies, SDGs and Early Education in Ecuador

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Pauleth Laguatasi ,Msc. Ramiro Guerrón,Msc. Alejandra Garcés


Public policies promote relevant actions at all levels of education, especially in early childhood education, which promotes the comprehensive development of children through the fulfillment of children’s rights. The present research aims to identify the implementation of Public Policies at the early childhood level and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The research is based on a longitudinal quantitative-descriptive study of the matrices of the Master File of Educational Institutions (AMIE) granted by the Ministry of Education. The findings show that with respect to quality education there is inequality between students and teachers according to district zones, discrimination within the profession against males and a very slight majority of enrollment between girls versus boys, thus evidencing the welfarism in which the State has fallen and the need to update public policies in favor of early childhood.

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