ISSN: 2265-6294

Public Policy for the Management of Agricultural Industrialization in the District of Motupe

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Jesús Octavio David, Vargas Aspíllaga,Germán Alejandro, Barrantes Mann,Germán Alejandro, Barrantes Mann,Danicsa Karina, Espino Carrasco,Sonia Alejandra, Liza Zatti,Rosa Eliana, Adrianzen Guerrero,Ericka Julissa, Suysuy Chambergo


The objective of this study was to analyze the perception of the implementation of the Public Policy for the management of agricultural industrialization in the district of Motupe. It used a qualitative methodology, grounded theory design, having as a study scenario agroindustrial enterprises of the district of Motupe. The data collection technique was the interview, and the instrument was the interview guide, having as participants authorities of the District Municipality of Motupe, Provincial Municipality of Lambayeque, Regional Government of Lambayeque, as well as representatives of the Board of Irrigators of Motupe, workers and officials of the agroindustrial enterprises located in the district of Motupe. The results were that the perception is significant in that there are currently no public policies in the Res Militaris, vol.12, n°4, December Issue 2022 2422 agroindustrial sector that reflect the real need to improve the conditions of this sector. Finally, it concluded that the implementation of territorial policies in the agroindustry of the district of Motupe has a significant benefit since there are no public policies according to the needs of the sector under study.

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