ISSN: 2265-6294

Reconceptions Of Health Education In The Time Of Covid-19 According To The Perspective Of The Islamic Boarding School

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Zulfi Mubaraq,Uril Bahruddin,Na’imah Na’imah,Akhmad Nurul Kawakip,Khairiah Khairiah,Demina Demina,Mira Mareta,Sulistyorini Sulistyorini,Abdul Haris,Muhammad Fadli Ramadhan


The concept of health during the COVID-19 period has changed, especially in the world of Islamic Boarding Schools. The existence of this reconception because the pandemic conditions influenced it since March 2020 that hit Indonesia. This paper aims to examine three things: first, the form of a reconception of health education during the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of Islamic Boarding Schools; second, the implementation of the Res Militaris, vol.12, n°4, December Issue 2022 1873 reconceptualization of health education in real life in the pesantren community; third, the reconceptualization of health education as a solution during the pandemic. The method used is through interviews (with Kiai, Ustadz (Teacher) and Santri (Student)), observation of pesantren and documentation in the text of the Qur'an and the hadith of the prophet. The results are three things: first, a form of reconception, that health education is a top priority, worship requires physical and mental health; second, the application of reconception in the life of the pesantren community is influenced by three factors: intentional which is the motive of the pesantren, internal conditions within the pesantren, and external conditions outside the pesantren; third, the reconception of health education from the perspective of pesantren as a solution during a pandemic, namely being more careful in interpreting texts about the disease, improving health care, pesantren opening up and protecting public health.

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