ISSN: 2265-6294

Religious Dress between Islam & Other Religions: A Comparative Historical Study`

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Farah Baqer Ahmed


We should be aware of the fact that Hijab or Veil as a term referring to specific values has been historically familiar among Eastern Societies for a long time and still up-to-date regardless of any viewpoint related to religion or belief. Simply, because it is a moral behaviour shared by all types of nations, whether monotheistic or polytheistic, civilized or primitive, but it might differ from one place to another. It should be noted therefore that Hijab is not a convention invented by Islam. It was common indeed amid the Greek, moving from there to other communities including the Hebrews at the time of Abraham up to the rise of Christianity. Our current study focuses on tracing the history of Hijab or Veil and its development, conducting meanwhile a comparative analysis between Hijab in Islam and in other religions.

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